A Way Out

2023 Midwest Regional Convention

Nov 3-5 2023

Reg Form (PDF)

Reg Form (Online)

Donations Flyer


Watch For Raffle Tickets @ A Meeting Near You


Disclaimer: Certain information listed herein about the blocal Convention, The Convention Hotel location, Convention activities and even the host city is included for informational purposes only; so that those attending the Convention looking for something to do during Convention might have that information. The listing of such information here does not, nor should it imply affiliation, cooperation or endorsement of such venues, hotels, activities or events by C.A. or by C.A. World Services. If you have further questions or concerns on this matter please contact the Convention Chair.


This website is neither endorsed nor opposed by C.A. World Services, Inc. Any opinions expressed here are those of Cocaine Anonymous members, and not, necessarily, those of C.A as a whole.